How to manage multiple units of the same product (packs)?

There are products with several individually packaged units (packs) that share the same open life and expiration date.

In these cases, using the Tracking functionality can be useful:

  1. Register the new food, either using the barcode scanner or manually.
  2. Set the expiration date.
  3. Set the desired open life if it's a first-time register. If not, ignore this step.
  4. Enable product tracking once you open a unit from the pack.
  5. Consume the unit, or throw it away if its open life has passed and the product is not in good condition for consumption.
  6. Stop tracking the product.
  7. Go back to step 4 (enable tracking) just right after opening the next unit.

Suppose you have several packs with different expiration dates. In that case, we recommend registering them as independent items (one entry for each pack).

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