Let's talk about Food Waste

Did you know a third of all the food produced worldwide is lost or wasted? The incredible amount of 1.3 billion tons per year! This waste is responsible for 8-10% of all global emissions, which contributes to the climate change threat, one of the greatest of our time. But not only that, other essential resources that are key to feeding more people, such as land and water, are also lost in the process.

Food waste is so problematic, and yet unknown to many, that even the United Nations designated 29 September as the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste. With the goal of raising awareness and promoting global actions against this issue.

We need to eat (obviously), but current food consumption patterns are unsustainable from both health and environmental points of view. From all the food waste, 40% is generated at home. We all are part of this problem, and we can do much more! We need to change not only what we eat but how much food we buy and throw away.

We want to share with you some simple tips that you can follow to avoid unnecessary food waste at home. Start today your journey on reducing food waste!

Everything that doesn't end in the trash counts.

  1. Difference between "Best before" and "Use by"

    "Use by" dates indicate when a product is no longer safe to eat. "Best before" dates, however, are an indication of quality rather than safety. You can still eat food after its best before date, but its flavor and texture won't probably be as good. That said, if anything seems weird, looks bad, smells funny, or tastes odd, don't consume it and throw it away.

  2. Buy just what you need

    Plan your meals, make a shopping list, and try to avoid impulse buying. Sometimes, we are tempted to buy things in bulk, but unless it's something you consume often or regularly, it might be better to purchase it just when you need it. Not only will you waste less food, but you'll also save money!

  3. Pick ugly fruits and veggies

    They might not look good, but they are as delicious as the best-looking ones! Oddly-shaped or bruised fruits and vegetables are often thrown away. Try not to judge food by its appearance. Choose the ugly delicious!

  4. Store food properly

    Check the temperature of your fridge occasionally. If it is too high, the food will spoil sooner. If, on the contrary, it is too low, the food may freeze. The suggested range is between 0-5°C or 36-41°F. Additionally, move older products to the front of your shelves and new ones to the back. First in, first out!

  5. Extend food shelf life

    Freezing is an excellent way of extending your food's shelf life, sometimes for even a whole year! However, some products won't handle freezing well. Vegetables with high water content, food with high-fat content or high starch levels, and most dairies may experience unpleasant changes in their textures after you unfreeze them.

  6. Enjoy your leftovers

    Family and friends gatherings around a table are great. We all enjoy them. But sometimes we cook too much, and we can't eat everything we've made in the next few days. Freezing or using those leftovers as an ingredient for another meal are excellent ways to avoid throwing away that nice food we have spent so much time cooking.

Reduce Food Waste with Kiff

We help you in the challenge of reducing your carbon footprint by lowering food waste at home. Together we can make a big difference!

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